Patrick, I don't want to preach to you and whatever you do with your life and the decisions you make are yours alone, however, I think you should reconsider this post and reconsider your attitude towards your Mother who I'm sure loves you very much and only wants the absolute best for you and your siblings. I'm certainly not saying that you don't love your Mom, but I think that it is quite stupid to put up your Family's business (unless it is positive and when it is negative only when it is absolutely necessary to do so) on a public forum such as this one.

If you just fought with your Mom, you should go and apologize to her and tell her how much you love her and would do anything for her. You always say you want to be treated and respected like an adult, well in order to receive this treatment and respect you must act like an adult. This means taking responsibility for your actions. If you're too young to drink in the state/province where you live, don't drink! Or if you must (you're gonna do what you're gonna do right) be a little smarter about it.

As for your Mom being hypocritical. Well, have you been absolutely genuine and real at every single moment in your life? The sooner you realize that no one (or at least very few people) have been completely real and 100% authentic during every single moment in their lives the sooner you will learn how to treat your Mom and everyone else for that matter. There are all times in our life (whether short or long depends on the person) where we've acted like a phoney and we come to regret them later. Anyone who tells you different is most likely lying. Your mom knows that you will most likely start drinking when you turn 21 (or 19 if you come to Canada or 14 in Quebec, Canada ) and she has the wisdom and foresight to see that if you start drinking heavily at your age it will not be good for your future.

When your Mother passes (hopefully not until she reaches a ripe old age) you will regret every single time you ever treated her badly or were'nt as nice as you easily could have and should have been. Smarten up bro!