Originally posted by Anthony Lombardi:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PastaPunk:
Also when people make fun of me I say calmly, "What have I ever done *small pause* to make you treat me so disrespectfully?" grin
I used that quote the other day with some kid who was slagging me, my family and my friends.
I took his soccer ball off him coz he was throwing it at me and later he got his Mom to ask for it back and I said to her...he's insulted me, he's insulted my friends and my family...and then I couldn't resist adding.."...and that I do not forgive".

"Leave the gun. Take the cannolis.

"We're all gonna be three little Fonzies - and what was Fonzie?!", "Cool?", "Correct-a-mundo!"

- Jules and Yolanda, Pulp Fiction