Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
are you saying that audiences are somehow more comfortable with the eccentric, more flamboyant type of homosexual as Capote was (or the comical one played by Nathan Lane in 'Birdcage)...rather than the fictional cowboys in love depicted in Brokeback Mtn?

I know you're not asking me, but I'd say yes.

Not that that's necessarily what Lavinia is saying - altho I think it is - but, "yes" I'd agree with that statement for pretty much the same reasons she gave.

Frankly, I hadn't even heard of the film 'Crash' until this past week as it got close to Oscar night. Contrary to all they hype around Brokeback Mtn precisely because of the subject matter. The fact that the move that received MUCH less publicity was still considered worthy of the Best Picture vote speaks volumes for the work itself.

Though I haven't seen either of them...it appears more and more that the right movie won.
I don't see how you can say that without having seen either one and forming your own opinion.

I haven't seen either myself, so I have absolutely no idea whatsoever which one - if either - should have won since all of the criteria used in judging is 100% subjective.

"Difficult....not impossible"