Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
[QUOTE]...Sorry for the misunderstanding, DA. I was not talking of the writer. Just of the character. The looks of the character, to be more accurate.
The portrayal in the movie is based upon the real life Truman Capote. So are you saying that audiences are somehow more comfortable with the eccentric, more flamboyant type of homosexual as Capote was (or the comical one played by Nathan Lane in 'Birdcage)...rather than the fictional cowboys in love depicted in Brokeback Mtn?

But aside from that, do you truly feel that the cowboys in love theme is the reason for it not winning Best Picture over Crash?

Frankly, I hadn't even heard of the film 'Crash' until this past week as it got close to Oscar night. Contrary to all they hype around Brokeback Mtn precisely because of the subject matter. The fact that the move that received MUCH less publicity was still considered worthy of the Best Picture vote speaks volumes for the work itself.

Though I haven't seen either of them...it appears more and more that the right movie won.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.