Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
...they are ready for homosexual films if the characters are prissy and ridiculous, à la "Capote". Apparently they still have problems when the characters are as manly as themselves, as their own sons. ... Today I'm even angrier than yesterday! So you better don't tease me on the BBM oscar snub ...
I hate to break it to you...but Truman Capote was a genius not to mention a very interesting guy. Have you bothered to read any of his writings? As a kid, I used to thoroughly enjoy his appearances on the Merv Griffin show.

You seem to feel that Brokenback Mountain didn't win Best Picture precisely because of the gay cowboys. It is entirely possible that once they viewed both pictures, more Academy voters decided in the end that 'Crash' was simply the better film. There was talk all week prior to the awards, and right up to that evening that 'Crash' might just be the breakout winner. So it was really not a surprise to me.

Unless you truly feel that Brokenback should have won because it was a better film than Crash (of which the majority of Academy voters did not agree), then I can't understand why you are 'angry'.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.