Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:

BTW, have you watched the movie?
No, I haven't, and I'm not one of those people who can say if something is oscar worthy or not oscar worthy (I liked Batman Begins so I'll say thats Oscar Worthy ) I just haven't heard anything about the actual storyline of the movie or the movie itself being that great until they bring in the fact that it was about 2 gay men. It seems to me from what I've heard that if the movie was about 2 straight people that it would have been just another love story and no big deal about it.

I'll give an example to see if I can clear up my point. The movie 50 first dates (I haven't seen it) but I heard nothing good about it and most people have forgotten it. If it is the exact same story but you put Adam Sandler with another man rather than a woman should that make it oscar worthy, in my opinion it doesn't.

As far as my joke was concerned, maybe I'm hanging out with plaw too much

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"