Thanks JGeoff....

I would like to thank my parents for their support and monthly checks. I also want to thank my roommate, for his daily routine, I truely feel superior and better in comparison, and finally I want to thank MArtin Scorsese, David Cronenberg, Michael Mann, John Carpenter, Walter Hill, John Milius, Francis Ford Coppola, Steven Spielberg, Phillip Kaufman, and all the great directors that are why I love films.

BTW, everyone here is mocking BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN...though I haven't seen it....but fuck, if only you all understand my pissful anger that CRASH gets praise and nominations instead of more worthy films like A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE or THE CONSTANT GARDENER or even LAST DAYS.....

Besides, here is a (not) bold prediction: CRASH, MOUNTAIN will be forgotten within 5 years.