Ronnie I hope you're right on Clooney winning for Syriana.

Anyways, here's a David Letterman top 10 list on this year's Oscars:

Top Ten Signs You're Not Going To Win An Academy Award

10. You're up against King Kong for Best Giant Monkey.

9. Instead of asking who you're wearing, Joan Rivers asks why you showed up.

8. Your film is used to torture Gitmo detainees.

7. Best acting you did this year was telling your wife you didn't sleep with Angelina Jolie.

6. You're "Guy No. 5" in the Paris Hilton sex tape.

5. Gretzky's wife bet a grand against you.

4. Your acting has been compared to Steven Segal

3. Played the coveted role of "man who gets kicked in the nuts."

2. George W. Bush has information you're going to win.

...1. You spent months learning to become a gay cowboy, but you're not an actor.