The women's gowns can probably get a better view on the Joan/Melissa Rivers pre-show on TV-Guide channel. Somehow I can't help watching that every year just for sheer entertainment (and to see how far back Joan can have her face stretched).

Unfortunately, I'm not as interested in Oscar night anymore as much as I used to be. Up until about 5 years ago I would SO look forward to this night!! Could be due to the fact that I haven't gone to the movies in years! Also the fact that these days, there are no real STARS...meaning box office names that bring in the money. So while the movies themselves are certainly nomination and award worthy, there's nothing that attracts me to the Oscar telecast itself.

I'll probably tune in to the beginning for John Stewart's monologue, then they usually have a supporting actress/actor Oscar as the first award presented. Then I'll probably tune in and out until about the last half hour when the Director/Actor/Actress/Picture honors are finally bestowed.

There's usually a tribute to all movie names (famous and non-famous) who have died over the past year, I'll be lucky if I happen to catch that.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.