As the winner of previous quiz I got Fame's kiss , 5 oranges, that I can't get still (damn international shipping ) and obligation to write the next quiz.
Fame boldly suggested any theme I like, but I refrained from history, it would be really difficult...
So, if anyone has guts to try ,


____The Ultimate____
__English Literature__

By JustMe.
25 questions.

William Shakespeare never wrote:
a) King Henry the Eighth
b) King Henry the Fifth
c) The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth
d) The Third Part of King Henry the Fourth

How many “Kings Richards” he wrote?
a) Three: the First, the Second and the Third
b) Two: the First and the Third
c) Two: the Second and the Third
d) One: the Third.

Which character was created by Samuel Richardson:
a) Tristram Shandy
b) Tom Jones
c) Henry Esmond
d) Sir Charles Grandison

Which of these plays depicts the biggest number of deaths among its characters? (armies aside, only those who have name)
a) Romeo and Juliet
b) Macbeth
c) Hamlet, prince of Denmark
d) King Lear

Which of these works by Sir Walter Scott isn’t a novel?
a) Waverley
b) Marmion
c) The Bride of Lammermoor
d) Rob Roy

Sir Willoughby Pattern was a:
a) Coxcomb
b) Snob
c) Egoist
d) Womanizer

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote:
a) Ivanhoe
b) King John
c) Lord Arthur Savile’s crime.
d) Sir Nigel

In which of these works a wealthy family or person does not adopt the heroine?
a) Agnes Grey
b) Jane Eyre
c) Mansfield Park
d) Bleak House

In which of these works a wealthy family or person does not adopt the hero?
a) Tom Jones
b) Nicolas Nickleby
c) Wuthering Heights
d) Oliver Twist

In which of these there’s no important letter for heroine to read in the critical moment of the novel?
a) Pride and Prejudice
b) Bleak House
c) Persuasion
d) The Picture of Dorian Gray

In which of these heroine becomes considerably wealthier in the end of the novel?
a) Little Dorrit
b) Dombey and Son
c) The Vicar of Wakefield
d) Middlemarch

Becky Sharp never ventured to:
a) Throw books out of the window
b) Sing on the operatic stage
c) Steal
d) Divorce

Jane Austen’s favorite writer was
a) Maria Edgeworth
b) Fanny Burney
c) Ann Radcliffe
d) Virginia Woolf

These statements apply to all Jane Austen’s novels. Which is false?
a) All heroines have sisters.
b) At least one ball is described
c) All heroines marry
d) All heroines are poor compared to men they marry

Besides her 6 published novels, Jane Austen left us tons of juvenilia and sketches. Which of these is finished?
a) The Watsons
b) Love and Friendship
c) Lesley Castle
d) Sanditon

One of Austen’s heroines never dances anymore. Who is it?
a) Jane Bennet
b) Emma Woodhouse
c) Anne Elliot
d) Eleanor Dashwood

Elizabeth Gaskell wrote:
a) The White Company
b) Women in Love
c) The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
d) North and South

Geoffrey Chaucer wrote:
a) Chronicles
b) Wessex tales
c) A Tale of Two Cities
d) The Canterbury Tales

Dinny Charwell married:
a) a member of Parliament
b) a poet
c) a Marine
d) an archeologist

Which of these works by John Galsworthy is not a Trilogy?
a) The Forsyte Saga
b) A Modern Comedy
c) The Country House
d) End of the Chapter

In which of these novels heroine is not kidnapped?
a) Clarissa
b) The Collector
c) Pamela: or, Virtue Rewarded
d) Northanger Abbey

And to end it all, several Quotes.

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a young man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a…”
a) Lawyer
b) House
c) Wife
d) Quiz

“I like talking about nothing. It is the only thing…”
a) that can never be explained
b) I know anything about
c) I don’t find boring
d) that offends nobody

“What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of…”
a) Money
b) Words
c) Pleasure
d) Nothing

If you know by chance, who is the author of the last two?

keep your mouth shut, and your eyes open.