Don A. you're not gonna like this but I think that KISS is highly overrated. I mean they had a couple of good hits and stuff but their fans are so devoted, I bet if they formed a cult or whatever and told people they had to cut their left hands off, there would be a bunch of people around North America and The World with one hand. Sure, they must put on a pretty decent live show but halfway decent bands are SUPPOSED to do that. Plus Gene Simmons just really irritates me. He seems like an obnoxious, good for nothing, retard with no sense of history or what real Rock And Roll is. As for their being in the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, well the R&R H.O.F. is a bit of joke anyways, so yeah, why not?! Induct them. Their fans and their detractors won't really give a shit so it won't really change anything. You know how you can tell that the R&R H.O.F. is a joke?? It's in CLEVELAND! Not New York, not Los Angeles, not Chicago, not Washington D.C., not Detroit, not Seattle but CLEVELAND! :p