Originally posted by The Dr. who fixed Lucy:
[b]AFAIC, if both parties consent, there's nothing perverted going on
Even if the consenting parties were parent and offspring, and both of age? [/b][/quote]Hmmm....

If they're both of age......

OK....lemme re-state my position:

Everyone has their own idea of "perverted".

Eveything sexual that falls outside the realm of what most people do - let's say, for the sake of argument, heterosexual intercourse and heterosexual oral-genital contact - can fairly be labeled as "abnormal", since it falls outside the "norm" (again, what most people do), and you could day that "abnormal" and "perverted" are basically the same thing.

I've done some wild things in my time, but I've personally drawn the line at beastiality, for example.

So, yeah, I guess I think that sex with animals is perverted.

But it's none of my business if some guy wants to have intercourse with a sheep. He's not hurting me or interfering with my rights.

Now, there are also degrees of "abnormality" - and I'm gonna use that word instead of perversion.

So while I may consider homosexual activity to be abnormal (yet again, because I believe that it's outside the norm since I believe that most people don't engage in it), it's not anywhere nearly as abnormal as I would consider intercourse with a sheep to be, but only because there would seem to be many more homsexuals than sheep-lovers around.

But no matter, really.

Any activity between consenting adults that does not interfere with my rights or the rights of others is OK with me.

Whether or not I consider it to be abnormal or perverted, or to what degree, makes absolutley no difference to me whatsoever.

There happens to be an area in my own sexuality that I find enjoyable and like to indulge in (No, I'm not gonna tell) that definitely falls outside of the norm. Not tremendously so, like beastiality, but definitely an area in which I don't believe that the average person goes.

And if someone wants to call me a "pervert" or tell me I'm "abnormal", well, if by their standards (and my own) I am (because, again, it's outside of the norm because most people don't do it), I really don't care.

What I do does not interfere with the rights of anyone else.

So, as to your original question:


If the consenting parties were parent and offspring, and both of age, then sexual relations between them is abnormal (only in the sense that it's outside of the norm because most people don't do it) and, if you like, I'll label it as perverted.

But, since they're both of age and not interfering with my rights or the rights of others, I have no objection at all to it.

"Difficult....not impossible"