You know I'm watching!

I think there is a lot of talent this year. Probably the hottest looking women ever in one season. Probably the homeliest looking men....but man, they can sing!

I really don't have a favorite woman yet, though I can't help but like Mandisa. I sooo expected her to come out and do the predictable Aretha tune and she surprised me by doing Heart!

Ayla surprised me as well as she can really sing, but is a bit short on personality.

Katherine has one of the most beautiful faces ever gracing the TV and her voice is pure too.

Best singers last night bar none: Chris, Elliott and Ace.

Chris - singing Bon Jovi and not screeching or yelling. Smooth and wonderful. Not bad to look at, his look grows on you a little.

Elliott - OMG - he's got one jacked up face! But his voice had it going on!!! Loved, love loved his voice!

Ace - What can I say. I love love love Father Figure. That song means alot to me personally and he sang it true. I can't help but be mesmerized by his pretty face. I kinda felt the need to shower and cool myself off after his performance - especially thinking this guy has a twin brother! What is unexpected is I thought he would be the pretty boy who is arrogant and cocky and his personality is so opposite that. I think he can make it as a star for the younger generation.

Who should go home?

Girls - definitely Pseudo Opera Girl Stevie and Pagaent Queen(?) Melissa. I thought Melissa was meh and her 3-pack a day sounding voice just grated on my nerves.

Boys - Didn't care for Falsetto Boy Sway or Bobby channeling Barry Manilow. Bye Bye Bobby - see ya at the Copa.

Sidebar: Taylor is funny - I want him to keep coming back.

Before this season is over, I want to hear Chris, Elliott or Taylor sing a soulful rendition of "When a Man Loves a Woman" and do the song proud!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....