1. Where. Theatre, home (TV, DVD, VHS, whatever)
I really hate going to the movie theatre so I rent everything. I have a 64" HD with built in surround sound and a comfy room to watch in so it is so much better than public movie theatre.

2. When.
Friday night is a big movie night at my house.

3. How many movies would you watch in a row.
No more than 2. I get too tired and sitting for so long and don't want to snooze through one.

4. Alone or in company.
I have watched alone but mostly with sig other.

5. do you usually have a drink or a snack during the breaks?
No breaks but I always make drinks and snacks for movie night. Usually homemade chicken nachos and margaritas. Bar is in the same room so refills are no problemo!

6. have you ever smooched while watching a movie? (I told you I'm nosy )
No way. Then you can't watch the movie!

7. which site do you choose at the theatre
If ever I go, towards the back, not too close. Next to the aisle.

8. have you ever cried/sobbed while watching a movie?
All the time. I am misty more times than not.

9. what's the worst thing that could happen while watching a movie?
Incessant talking. If you want to talk, you need to hit the pause button.

10. do you get info or spoilers about the movie you are going to watch?
Always. Im often still surprised though.

11. have you ever watched a porn movie?
Yes. Frankly they make me laugh and I don't find them sexy in mixed company.

12. the most boring movie you can think of.
Nell. Great actors but what a snoozefest.

13. the most exciting one
The beginning sequence to Saving Private Ryan.

14. the most disappointing one
Cold Mountain. I read the book and was excited about the movie and it had big stars but it failed to meet my expectations

15. the most poignant
Sixteen Candles reminds me of my youth. Beaches makes me cry every time.

16. the scariest
Showgirls. That movie had some SCARY acting in it!

17. the funniest
Planes, Trains and Automobiles. I laugh hysterically every time.

18. the sexiest (porn doesn't count)
Unfaithful. Diane Lane and Oliver Martinez. Im hot thinking about that right now!

19. the stupidiest
Any comedy with a II, III or IV behind it's name

20. I'll never forget that time when.........
I was in the theatre watching 48 hours with my friends for the first time. When Eddie Murphy starts singing the Police song in the jail cell, everyone started throwing popcorn and candies at me from all angles. I was covered. It's only funny when you know that's really my name.

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....