Originally posted by plawrence:
[quote]Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
[b]Maybe you prefer we bring back foot binding? I mean we can't have all these girls running around with huge size 10 supermodel feet, can we?
If you are asking what I prefer, no, I personally do not have a problem with women with "huge size 10 supermodel feet".

But if I lived in a society when and where foot binding was thought to make women more attractive, I would probably feel differently.

That's my point about circumcision.

I truly believe that if you surveyed American women today, and they all answered honestly, the majority would say that they find the uncircumcised penis to not be as attractive as the circumcised one.

[/b][/quote]That is why I made MY point that if we stop performing circumcisions TODAY - in 50 years society would not think an uncircumcised member would be unattractive but it would be the norm.

Do you think that if society dictates that small breasts are unattractive we (women) should all undergo surgery and get implants?

And I used the foot binding example to drive the point home that is it really worth risking the health of infants and young girls to conform to a ridiculous societal norm?

Define "attractive". We are not comparing an uncircumcised penis to a deformity are we? Like I said, if a woman is looking for the perfectly smooth shafted rod, then that is her call based on her expectations and taste and she should pick her men accordingly if it means that much to her.

Im just saying I wouldn't (and haven't )kick a man I am attracted to out of bed because of it, as when he is fully aroused it is kind of mute point anyway!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....