Originally posted by plawrence:
If you never found yourself with a man who was uncircumcised, though, you don't really know for sure exactly how you would react, do you?

Have you or haven't you?

I've seen/touched both. Several times.


One thing I don't think has been mentioned that there is little difference in the penis appearance when erect. That is when it really matters, right?

I know of two grown men who got cut as adults mostly for appearance's sake. They were both non-Americans who had moved here to the States. Truthfully, the "after" looked better than the "before" but it really didn't enhance performance at all. I honestly think I have been conditioned by society to think that it looks better "after".

My husband and I actually discussed at length what we would do if we ever had a son. My husband had a good point that he would only want to circumcise his son so that Son and Dad would be the same and not cause any confusion or body image issues for the Son. I stressed that if everyone would stop circumcising penises TODAY - in a number of years being uncut would be the norm.

I honestly do not see the need to perform such a procedure in this day and age when it does nothing to enhance performance. Trust me!

As for hygiene issues - there are plenty of places on a man or woman's body that can fester. Soap is your friend!

Wow. My first post in weeks...or is it months? Bad bout with insomnia last night and I actually found a non-political thread in which I could be passionate about something!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....