What a terrible way to go. Apparently he was hit by a tour bus and dragged to his death. The bus driver didn't know he had hit Bright until he returned the bus to the Port Authority about 20 minutes later. Bright had died about 15 minutes after getting run over.

Its the second story on the local tv news now (after the Phippines landslide disaster).

Bright had aged noticeably (and poorly) in recent years. I had last seen him on an episode of "The Sopranos" (Bright played one of the three brothers up in Rhode Island that were supposed to have been hitmen - he was the one wearing an oxygen mask). He didn't look well at all.

Back around 1980 my best friend was dating Bright's daughter, Diane. Father and daughter were not particularly close but Diane spoke of her dad with real affection.

R.I.P., Richard.
