So I'm guessing these are scenes of "love," not limited to lovemaking? I'll definitely forget some here.

Le Samourai - The scene towards the end where Jeff and Jane hug and kiss, and he says he doesn't need her alibi.

Abre Los Ojos - The final scene with César and Sofía.

Casablanca - Final airport scene.

Once Upon a Time in America - The dinner with Noodles and Debbie, before the more infamous scene.

A Woman Under the Influence - A few small moments during the film, most of all the end.

Memento - Not between two characters, but Lenny's memories while he burns her belongings.

Mean Streets - The post-sex scene.

Mulholland Drive - The first one in the bed with Watts and Harring.

Vertigo - The rotating kiss scene after Judy comes out of the bathroom.

La Dolce Vita - Actually this is the anti-love scene, but when Marcello goes to retrieve Sylvia from the Trevi fountain, and the water flow stops.

Raging Bull - The few first scenes with Jake and Vickie, before things go wrong.

Goodfellas - The brief pre-sex scene between Henry and Karen.

Once Upon a Time in the West - The final scene where Jill seems to want someone to stay with her, but both Harmonica and Cheyenne must go.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Several little moments.

21 Grams - The sex scene between Penn and Watts.

Double Indemnity - Not a love scene, but the final hug between Walter and Phyllis.

On the Waterfront - When Terry breaks down Edie's door.

Gone With the Wind - Scarlett finally realizes she cares for Rhett, but it's too late.

Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror - The final scene with Ellen dying in Hutter's arms.

Broken Flowers - The scene where Don visits Michelle Pepe's grave.

8 1/2 - "Accept me as I am. Only then can we discover each other."

The Insider - The scene where Jeff reflects on his children in the hotel room. Not a lover romantic scene, but an expression of his love for his children.

The Woodsman - Somewhat disturbing, the pre or post-love scene where he simply smells her hair.

Fight Club - The final scene.

Edward Scissorhands - Somewhat corny, but the "hold me" scene.

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