Originally posted by Patrick:
I love it. Actually gives me a reason to not drink and smoke cause I look at the calories in booze and I'm like fuck that after just burning them all off. And I'm staying away from the supplements too.
you should be keeping track of your diet as well. McDonald's, Burger King and the like should quickly be cut out of your diet. Tuna Fish and Boneless/Skinless chicken breast should be added.

Next time you go to your doctor ask about Multivitamins. They make multivitamins + (blank) in almost everything now a days. A good example is + iron, because some people have iron deficiences. You can't go wrong with a multivitamin because most of what your body doesn't need it will excrete. But DON'T buy anything with a + after it unless you talk to your doctor (better to talk to your doctor before taking anything though)

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"