No Pat not necessarily. You could do a 6 day split, where you would have 2 days off in between and would start "day 1" on "day 7" hopefully that makes sense. I realize you want to train everyday but you REALLY need to realize that training 7 days a week is VERY VERY VERY bad for you. The ONLY reason you are seeing results right now is because you just shocked your system. It was not used to moving weight and all of a sudden it is so it has to work to compensate for that. You will never again in your life see the same gains you got the first 2 months of training. Muscles do not grow when they are being trained, they grow when they are resting.
I will give this break down (my own breakdown others can disagree but I'm sure they won't by that much) Your overall look and health are determined by:
72% Diet
10% genetics
10% rest
8% training

There is nothing/very little you can do to overcome genetics (symetry of your 6 pack, peak of your bicep is all genetics) Diet is the most important thing, if your muscles do not get the proper nutrition they will not grow. REST as I've been saying and training is very very little (8% is being very generous) Not talking Mr. Olympia's here but most normal/enthusiastic body builders will say something like "I can miss a workout but NEVER a meal"

The Lines from Top to Bottom
Traps (trapezius)
Shoulders (deltoids)
Chest (pectoralis)
Triceps (triceps brachii)
Biceps (biceps brachii)
Forearm (brachioradialis)
Abs (rectus abdominis)

Lines from top to bottom:
Forearm (brachioradialis)
Biceps (biceps brachii)
Shoulders (deltoids)
Triceps (triceps brachii)
Traps (trapezius)
Lats (latissimus dorsi)
Middle Back (rhomboids)
Lower Back
Glutes (gluteus maximus and medius)
Hamstrings (biceps femoris)
Calves (gastrocnemius)

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"