Originally posted by Patrick:
DMC - What about this schedule?:

Sunday - All upper body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Monday - 45 minutes walking on treadmill
Tuesday - All lower body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Wednesday - All upper body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Thursday - 45 minutes walking on treadmill
Friday - All lower body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
Saturday - All upper body plus 15 minutes walking on treadmill
As I said before you need at least 1 day of doing nothing. I personally do not like all lower body and all upper body splits, you can't put the same intensity into every body part, so they aren't as useful (they are useful for getting over plateaus though)

Here is a sample of a good one:

Day 1: Back, Traps, Abs
Day 2: Quads, Delts, Calves
Day 3: Chest, Hamstrings, Abs
Day 4: Biceps, Triceps, Calves
Day 5: Off

Here is an example of one that uses light and heavy days (this is a Ronnie Coleman split who is a freak of nature so I wouldn't advise doing this one but it is an example):

Monday Chest, triceps, calves, abs
Tuesday Quads, hams
Wednesday Back, biceps, calves, abs
Thursday Chest, delts, triceps
Friday Quads, hams, abs
Saturday Back, biceps, delts, calves
Sunday Rest

Here is another (although I don't like bi's and tri's on the same day):

day 1 - biceps, triceps, forearms, abs
day 2 - quads, hams, calves
day 3 - off
day 4 - chest, delts, calves
day 5 - back, traps, forearms, abs
day 6 - off
day 7 - off

There are also Push and Pull workouts where you work Chest and Bi's on the same day and then Back and tri's on another day.

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"