Originally posted by J Geoff:
(I think you're suppose to do the aerobics after lifting if I remember correctly...?)

And I think you're suppose to do your real stretching after the workout, but must warm-up before.

The first part depends on your goals, if its for body building then its cardio after, cardio burns energy and would decrease from energy and usefulness of your workout. If you are doing it for overall fitness I don't think it matters.

Stretching before workouts showed no difference in injury risk compared to not stretching. Everything in terms of weight, stretching, cardio etc. all has to deal with your goals. I THINK stretching before hand is for fitness because there is more blood flow through the muscle (think of your muscle like a ball of dough, stretching it causes it to be flat) if you area looking to just get "huge" then I don't think stretching is advised. Again my views are 4-5 years old and there may be new thought processes since then. I suggest going to muscleandfitness.com message board and looking up any post by a guy named "rev" or going to bodybuilding.com to look for exercise and diet plans.

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"