Originally posted by plawrence:
I'd love to respond, Snake, but to tell you the truth this is getting plain tiring...I'm really starting to just get sick of this whole thing and I'm just too tired at the moment to bother.

...more of the same...

I mean, what's the point already, anyway?...
Gee, plaw, now you know how I feel! But then again, that is precisely what I'm saying. Two sides, totally polarized, although I'm willing to bet even you and I could find middle ground on some things (we have on a rare occasion or two in the past). And that's again my point. You see, I couldn't care less about defending Bush (he's a big boy, as his ol' man said, and can fend for himself), but many of his ideas I do go along with. I just find it funny that all some folks can think (?) to do is holler about how "Bush sucks" but contribute little or nothing as to how everyone could find a little middle ground. Hey, believe it or not, I'm all for it. And yeah, there are issues on which I would be willing to give a little ground.

There's nothing wrong with a little prez bashing once in a while (underscore once in a while). Lord knows Clinton gave me plenty of cannon fodder! But at least I have offered some ideas of how things could've been better handled (and yes, so have you, even though I didn't necessarily agree with all of 'em, nor you with me). But certain folks who just seem to have nothing else on their minds except getting critical to the point of trivial hilarity tire me out. Not 'cause I "love Bush," but because I, too, get 'sick' and 'tired' (to borrow your terminology). I bet if I posted a poll and asked, "How Would You Run the Country?" it would simply degenrate into another opportunity to dog Bush (and I think you'd even agree with that). No new ideas, no agenda, no nothing...save, "Bush sucks!" It's kind of like watching everyone complain about prices to a ballgame, but rather than make suggestions, they had rather continue insulting the guy in the ticket booth...over and over and over. Makes a lotta' sense.

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)