It's extremely reassuring to me to continue to see threads like this one. Bush can't run again, yet it seems that rather than start working on something that resembles a real platform and a competent agenda (or at least come up with ideas that would at least contribute to solving the real problems in this country [whomever is responsible for them]), the Bush-haters/certain Democrats here would opt to do the same thing they've been doing for the last 6 years: blame Bush and his administration for everything from Adam & Eve to the poverty in Fantasia. (Gosh, that was a long sentence!) Heck, even bashing Cheney for a hunting accident is fair game (I don't recall Carter's rabbit attack getting this much attention...Guess the reporters must've gotten the story in time and couldn't complain, huh?) That clearly shows me what I've known for much longer than 6 years: The Dems have no real platform, competent agenda, or any real solutions. Just the same ol' "Bush blows!" diatribe. I feel really good about a Republican (or even an intelligent independent) winning in '08! Keep it up, Bush-bashers! You really give me a warm, fuzzy feeling!

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)