Originally posted by Patrick:
-Lincoln imposed the first income tax.
-Lincoln also passed higher tariffs.
-Lincoln created the first system of national banks.
-Was accused of being an 'infidel' and often called an atheist for his views on religion. Quote: "The Bible is not my book and Christianity is not my religion. I could never give assent to the long complicated statements of Christian dogma."
-Emancipation proclamation.
-Lincoln's domestic policies included support for the Homestead Act. This act allowed poor people in the East to obtain land in the West.
-Homestead Act also made it easier for immigrants to move to America.
-During the war, $500,000,000 worth of war bonds were issued to help boost the economy.
-Believed that blacks and whites were intellectually equal.
-Endorsed full political rights for blacks.
-Supported intermarriage between the races.
I don't think the emmancipation proclimation is really a good issue on which to judge Lincoln's modern political leanings. It was something that was used as means to an end; to help end the Civil War. Other issues you raised (income tax, war bonds, national bands, tarriffs) were also linked to the war.

Your other examples are another story, they demonstrated that Lincoln was socially (as opposed to politically) liberal. I too believe he was. However, I would consider myself to be the same way, but politically I am very conservative. So if anything, would say Lincoln had Libertarian leanings.

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