Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
140 years from now Bush might be considered the best President because in a few years (from now) we find out that his wiretaps uncovered a plot or stopped an attack or what have you or his basis for waging war on Iraq and terrorism put him down as one of the greatest Presidents ever even though at the time of the events he wasn't well liked and his means were heavily debated.
As I've said before, the Bush presidency will be measured by only two things:

The success or failure of the War in Iraq, and the success or failure of the "War on Terror".

If he's more or less successful at both, he will be remembered as a great president, and over time people will forget the means he used to accomplish his ends.

If he more or less fails at both, he'll be villified as probably one of the worst presidents ever.

"Difficult....not impossible"