Originally posted by dontomasso:
Now that there can be no dispute that George Bush is nothing more than pond scum,
You think so, huh?

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
Someday (people) will look back and realize what vision this man (Bush) had and see him for the great president that he really is.
Anyway, let's be fair, here.

Starting off a thread by calling Bushie "nothng more than pond scum" is not exactly what I'd call the first step on the road to intelligent discussion.

On the other hand, of course, I don't expect too many Bush Lovers to vote in your poll, either.

If I were you, though, DT, I'd get my flack jacket ready.

Anyway, that said, I'm not sure that any of the options in your poll were, strictly speaking, "lies".

He may have believed all of those things when he said them, and all of those instances may be nothing more than situations which are indicative of presidential ineptitude, which is different.

Possibly just as bad, but different than lying.

"Difficult....not impossible"