Originally posted by Double-J:
But then, you go on to disagree with me and still say that higher taxation will help.
No, the government has to control the social security more. Everybody has to get their share, but according to what they gave. If balance is brought back, taxation will automatically lower. I'm okay with high taxes (if I get the good social security I have now), and a lot of money in hands of the government, but the system has to stay out of corruption, that's all. And the system has to be in balance with what the future will bring, realism towards the future is essential.

That being said, I also think soc. sec. has to be for health care, besides pensions. I think it's logic I give money to people who phyisically aren't able to work any longer. Just my view...

What is the average people are taxed today in the USA?

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.