we are the highest taxed people of the world, we have to give back somewhere around 50% of our paycheck.
Too often normal people have to pay too much taxes, because of corruption.
I will work a lot harder and longer than the generation before me, and so will you.
the government highened the lowest age people can retire with 2 years.
But then, you go on to disagree with me and still say that higher taxation will help.

How is taxing already over-taxed people going to help? Throwing more money into a fire isn't going to make the fire die down. Nor is throwing more money into the current social security system going to fix the problem. Yet, this is what President Clinton did (and what his wife has supported), and what other Democrats want now - keep Social Security as it is (to quote Patrick).

I don't necessarily favor President Bush's privitization because most people won't know how to properly manage it and could end up losing benefits altogether. However, we're reaching a crisis point where our generation and possibly the one before won't see any Social Security benefits, let alone our children or children's children.


No, originally, FDR designed Social Security as a program to provide income for senior Americans who were retired and had contributed to the program during the years they were working. A novel idea, but over the years, it has become corrupt and overstretched (i.e. for healthcare and other things).

Explain to me why people who haven't worked a day in their life are on social security (I know, I have at least two people in my neighborhood who claim to be invalids or handicaps, but can drive and perform other functions that normal people can) but my grandparents, my Grandfather a WWII veteran and my Grandmother a beautician, who both contributed to the program their entire working lives, never saw a dime of their money from SSI? Nor did any of their relatives after their deaths. This is the problem we are facing.

Add to this the fact that they continue to raise the minimum age for Social Security, so that by the time that you are old enough to collect (if you can) you're likely to be dead.