First of all, I agree totally with most of the problems you say, but not with all of your solutions.
America is not alone in this, here in Belgium we have the exact same problem. The only difference is that our pensions are higher, and our health care is one of the best of the world. We have the best social security system of the world. The downside is, we are the highest taxed people of the world, we have to give back somewhere around 50% of our paycheck.

Originally posted by Double-J:
Define "enough for good social security." Because even with Democrats in control of the White House or Congress, Social Security has been spinning down the tubes for well over 3 decades.
Yeah, that's what you get with those libbies.
Originally posted by Double-J: It has turned into a corrupt honeypot for a variety of Americans, who receive full benefits with little or no contribution.
I agree, there needs to be more control of who gives what, and who gets what. Too often normal people have to pay too much taxes, because of corruption. In my country, only the communists want that higher control, the other parties don't really want it, regardless their ideology.
Originally posted by Double-J: Even the official SSI website states that it is going to essentially be bankrupt in the not-so-distant future (which means that working people my age will never, ever see benefits, despite contributing for most of our adult lives).
Again, the same here. I will work a lot harder and longer than the generation before me, and so will you. People are getting older and older, and less kids are being born. That situation (which we call grey-ing - because old people have grey hair) isn't so dramatical in the USA as it is in Europe, but still.
But anyway, here there are things done, the government highened the lowest age people can retire with 2 years. Only the socialist union was against it, the fockers.

Originally posted by Double-J: And excessive or even increased taxation isn't going to help, since the majority of Americans already pay more than their fair share in taxes. People need to have more of their money in their hands.
And this is were my socialist and your liberal view on the thing differ.

Originally posted by Double-J: Social Security needs to be brought back to what it was intended to be - an old age pension to support retired seniors.
Isn't it also for healthcare?

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.