This list will comprise of former/current shows. This will be rather lengthy so bare with me.

I Love Lucy
Will & Grace
The Waltons
Full House
All reality shows
The OC
Laguna Beach
Desperate Housewives
Curb your enthusiasm(sp?)
The Brady Bunch
The Simpsons(and all animated shows that fit into the same category as the Simpsons)
Murder she wrote
Charlies angels
Doogie Howser
West Wing
The Commander in chief
Sex & the city
Arrested Development(just what is the fascination with this show?)
All shows on MTV(the last I knew MTV stood for Music Television, the higher ups should be reminded of that little fact)
The Cosby Show
Good times
Sanford & Son
Different Strokes

I'm sure there's more that I'm not thinking of right at the moment.