Let me state for the record that I like Little Britain and maybe my opinion is based on the fact that here in Canada we are not inundated with the show the way our friends in the U.K. must be.

Back on topic some of the shows I despise:

C.S.I. - nothing more than a cheap Law & Order/N.Y.P.D. Blue ripoff.

Desperate Housewives - What is with the big fuss over this show? Yeah Teri Hatcher, Eva Longoria and Nicollette Sheridan are good looking but unless there is some full nude girl-on-girl action that is no reason to watch a show.

Sex In The City - See Desperate Housewives

American Dad - Family Guy = Very, very funny and hilarious at times. American Dad = a big fat 0.

Strangelove: Flava Flave and Brigitte Nielsen - Oh just die already!

Poker on T.V. - Ok let me clarify here, I have nothing against poker and in fact from time to time I enjoy playing it and even watching it on t.v. What I don't need though is it to be playing on T.S.N., Roger's Sports Net, E.S.P.N., The Score and every other sports network 24/7/365. Wow, once a week is more than enough imo.

Rosanne - Never watched it. I actually had to think for a second if I had to watch it once a day every day for the rest of my life in order to cure all disease (hypothetically obviously) would I actually do it.

NASCAR - Similar to poker on t.v. Enough already, I get it! Some people really enjoy this and that's fine but please take it off my t.v. screen, please.

The O.C. - Well, I'm from York Region in Toronto, Ontario. Maybe I should start a show based on my life and call it The Y.R. :rolleyes:

The quality of M.T.V., VH1, Much Music and Much More Music - Sometimes, I would actually like to see some (good) music on freakin music t.v. stations! What the fuck is up with all the nonsense, bullshit that they play on these stations nearly all the time. Is this intended as filler or do people actually watch the Jessica Simpson/Nick Lashay show?!