Could you tell me some times you might've used Godfather lines of referances (twisted up, possible) while talkin to someone, just, well you get me, I have done this:

Back when I was about 15 or 16 we were doing class debates, this is a (stupid) interjection I did:

"Thomas, you're nothing to me now. Not a classmate, not a friend, I don't want to know you or what you do, I don't want you at my house I don't want you near the school, if you come to see Mr Seager (our current teacher), I want to know a day in advance so I won't be there. You're nothing."

in another debate speech, (topic: that Shortland Street, a crappy NZ soap, is a good role-model to society, I was on the negative side) I opened my speech like this:

"Hello I'm Anton and these are my droogs. We were stopping off at the school library one time, getting ready to go out for some of the old, ultra-debating, when somebody suddenly flicked on the television to reveal that AWEFUL, UNAPPROPRIATE television show, Shortland Street. (Gfather next) AND WHEN I FOUND MYSELF WATCHING IT I TOLD MYSELF, THIS, IS THE PROGRAMME, THAT'S CHOSEN. I DIDN'T ASK, WHO CHANGED THE CHANNEL, BECAUSE THAT WOULD'VE HAD NOTHING, TO DO, WITH ANYTHING. I found out who did it, I ate their liver with some fava beans and a nice, Chianti. Fast-forward Because shows like this they brainwash you, just when you thought you were no longer watching it, it PULLS YOU BACK IN."

Plus once randomly I said to a friend when I passed him in the street "You have to answer for Santino, Jesse." yes, I know that is weird...

How bout you?

Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisioned
Only after the last fish has been caught

Then you will find that money cannot be eaten.