I totally agree with Ronnie, and thanks for not hating me despite the Jackass president that we have. If there is any criticism, it is toward governments, not the people, because even in the best democracies people don't have that many choices about what their government decides to do.

Despite the fact that any government tries to attach themselves and their deeds to the people and the media, that follows through to cover for them, there is still hope for friendship throughout the world. Independent art is a great venue to get to know the people for who they really are and for the country they represent, if we try to get around the pretentious media sometimes.

But I do have a criticism or a mere suggestion, anyway you would like to take it, for American friends and that's using the term "Americanizing".

Why can't we accept the differences and try to learn and celebrate it instead of trying to change the ways that people live to accustom our ways? Live like a Roman in Rome, like an American in America and pretty please, with sugar on top don't use this term "Americanizing the rest of the world" because frankly, it feels the same way when immigrants try to change your ways to accustom theirs.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones