MaryCas, a good point, but couldn't the same be said about the FRENCH? I mean, ultra-proud nationalists who throw money across the globe.

Then again, that is why U.S. and France traditionally hate each other, I believe. Both countries have a nation-creating revolution as part of their national identity. Both believed, in their minds, to be the "beacon" of freedom and democracy for the world...and both think the other are the a*sholes of Western Capitalism/Democracy. Think about it.

Besides, we Americans get testy when someone criticizes us. Thing is, for criticism itself, we must ask this: is it a valid argument, it is from someone that is legitimacy(for example, I doubt China attacking us for censorship wouldn't have much ground to stand on), and finally....what can we do about it?

If I do angry at a country, its usually only at the government. Look at Iran, with a leader that one wonders if what he has said is simply to stroke the hardliners, or he truely believes what he says...which is a scary thought, especially with a nice ole nuclear weapon. However, I only hate the regime, and never the people living under it, or else I would have to hate our very pretty Asfaneh.

Ultimately, I think of America ideally as a dream, or a hope for the world, a promise of sorts. It's far from utopia, but perhaps someday....