Let's see (off the top of my head and probably not as fluent as PLaw/DC, and, trying not to get repetitive of what's been posted):

JFK's Dallas route was changed at the last minute (Don't know the streets, but they were originally scheduled to take a different route)??? And what's the deal with the car slowing down as the shots rang out?

Oswald, who was reported to be an "average" shooter at best hits his moving target with a faulty gun. Lucky shot?

Oswald is interviewed and from I've read there were "tape recorded" interviews. It turns out that they are lost, misplaced, stolen. (remember Oswald's famous line, "I'm just a patsy?") I'm thinking he must have explained that during his interrogation. Did any official who may have been in the interrogation address what he meant by that? I assume there were written notes as well. Both the tape and notes disappear?

Ruby wanting to testify and denied the opportunity

Also, the car JFK was killed in was taken and/or cleaned out and repaired. Wouldn't even an amature know not to tamper with evidence? Although, let me add that just yesterday while researching this subject, I read that Connelly had his suit he was wearing cleaned the next day. Not to imply at all that he was involved, but it would seem he would at least ask authorities before doing so. It many have answered, I don't know, something about the "magic bullet" no?

Oswald amazingly, and seemingly so easily murdered two days later by Jack Ruby.

In the book, "Murder In Dealy Plaza" which deals much in the forensics and autopsy, one of the original "first" doctors in the emergency room claimed the photos in the WC report of the wound to the head was not the wound he saw before being kicked out of the emergency room. He claims the entire back of the Presidents head was blown off, and the autopsy pics in the WC showed only a small hole. Is he lying? His explanation does coincide with the reports (and we see it on film) that Jackie crawled to the back of limo to retrieve part of her husband's brain. Although I've heard that explained as, "she was trying to alert the Secret Service.

All the "coincidences" that PLaw & DC mentioned are unbelieveable. The many many witnesses who died suddenly in itself is questionable. I would love ot see this solved in my lifetime, but the more time that goes by the less I think it will happen. And, like I think PLaw said, even if we hear the "truth" at last, will we still doubt? It'd have to be pretty damn convincing I think.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon