Originally posted by plawrence:
I really can't go any further than to say that I believe, as most do, that there was at least one shooter behind the fence (or was it a wall? I forget) atop the the infamous grassy knoll.

I wouldn't even begin to speculate about their identities, but that's not really the important thing anyway, IMO.

What I would like to know, of course, is who they were working for.

And that, alas, is what I don't think we'll ever know for sure.
I couldn't agree more. Who the shooters were is, to a large degree, inconsequential in the bigger picture. But the focus of who they were distracts many from asking the deeper questions - who hired them and what was their specific motivation?

Was it the Mob acting in revenge for Bobby Kennedy's pursuit of Hoffa and Joseph Kennedy's mob connections? Was it radical pro-Cuba revolutionists? Were the shooters hired by the CIA to reverse certain policies of JFK? Was it someone within the military complex getting revenge for JFK's refusal to invade Cuba and his attempt to withdraw troops from Vietnam?

It just does not seem at all plausible that a single, "lone nut" could have done this all on his own as the Warren Commission contends. Laws of physics and common sense just fly in the face of so many of the Commission's claims.