I've not read as many books a you guys, but have seen probably most documentaries on JFK's assassination. I have gone over the several main scenarios in my mind every now and then throughout the years, and can't say I know any answers either. The "Cuba" connection, to me anyway, seems the least likely. The mob and/or our government (CIA, FBI????)I don't rule out. There "had" to be insiders involved in order to pull it off.

Posted by PLaw:

You should also know that my being alive at the time of JFK's assassination and watching the events unfold and being old enough to understand them,and believing in a conspiracy and coverup, was probably the biggest single factor which contributed to my present distrust of our government.

You're not alone there PLaw. I dare say most babyboomers would concur. We never want to be so naive again. I know I followed the events, watched them unfold" throughout the weekend. Bought everything the media fed us. I can't remember however, a single "event" or "clue" that made all of us doubt this story. Do you?? Even that Sunday afternoon watching Ruby shoot Oswald, shocking as it was on live tv, I don't think I thought "consipracy" at that time. it seemed only a couple years later the doubts set in.


If you are still studying the case, what you should realize, if you don't already, is that there is a strong possibility that the coverup is still going on.

My fear is we will never know. And it is truly a shame. The more time that passes, the more people involved in any way, shape or form, are dying off.

Plaw, my kids never can understand my passion/interest in the JFK story. When 911 happened, and we were all glued to the shocking events. I told them "This is your JFK." I think they grasped the connection, cause they were living this one, even though miles away.

Btw, I have "heard" that Jackie Kennedy has either a book/memoirs/paper/diary....something in writing, that she left to be opened only after her grandchildren are gone. Don't know if it involves the assassination so not saying there's any connection, cause that's all I know. But I wonder if perhaps even she had her suspicions???

Btw, I'mm gonna buy "Rush To Judgement".


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon