Originally posted by Double-J:
I would place the assassination of JFK as a landmark event in our history, perhaps rivaled only by Lincoln's emancipation of the slaves, the attacks on Pearl Harbor, and the adoption of the Constitution. Certainly, JFK has been the single most pivotal event in the last 50 years.
I beg to differ, JJ.

I was working in Jersey City on 9/11, with a great view of lower Manhattan. Everyone in my building who didn't have a clear look from their windows at the World Trade Center was standing in the street, watching the towers burn.

I was standing next to a woman who was somewhat older than I am, who was standing next to a young man in this twenties who was obviously a co-worker of hers.

I remember remarking to the woman, as I gestured to the young man next to her, "Just as the Kennedy assassination was the defining moment in our lives, this will be the defining moment in his."
Originally posted by Irishman12:
Well didn't some military branch conduct a reenactment shortly after Kennedy's murder? And their 2 best sharpeshooters couldn't match Oswald's performance, who was a medium shot at best. Not to mention the defective scope that was on the gun and the piece of sh*t gun that it was in the first place.
I'll say it again, IM:

Who knows?

If you believe, as I do, that the coverup is on-going to this day, then any piece of evidence, photograph, statement, test, re-enactment, or what have you, is suspect.

We just don't know whether or not it's tainted, and we don't know the true motives of those who are presenting it.

You want to talk about the gun? Well, how's this:

If Oswald wasn't one of the shooters, then the gun found in the Texas School Book Depository may not have been one that was used in the first place.

Or maybe Oswald was a shooter, using a different gun.

I don't want to get into a lot of detail here, but the first cop on the scene (supposedly a firearms expert) who found the gun described it as a german mauser. It wound up becoming an italian Mannlicher Carbine (sp?).

Maybe someone else was there as a shooter using a different gun.

Maybe there are interests who at first wanted us to think that Oswald was a shooter, and then to cover up who the real shooters were threw up a smokescreen about Oswald being one of them.

Or not being one of them.

We just don't know

Originally posted by Irishman12:
I didn't know much about his bashing. I received both books for Christmas.....
Although both books have many similarities in their theorizing, both have somewhat different POVs.

The Stone film is based primarily on the Garrison book. But because of his interweaving of some of the theories presented in Crossfire, Stone was roundly criticized.

One good thing the film did, though, was to bring the JFK assassination back into the limelight and renew public interest, not to mention creating interest among a new and younger generation, people like you and JJ.

Long after I'm gone, it will hopefully be the curiosity of people like you guys who will keep the questions alive and keep pressing for answers.

"Difficult....not impossible"