I find Ruby's "Fair Play" comment and very presence at the Friday evening press conference, along with his obvious ties to local Dallas mobsters and his Chicago origins, to be the single most persuasive piece of evidence that the mob was in some way involved.

BTW, JJ, what have you read besides those which you mentioned?

I read a spate of early books back in the mid-sixties which raised many questions, but provided few answers.

Then I read another round when the Stone film came out, some of it reissued and updated versions of earlier stuff, and some of it new.

But the most recent book I read, I think, was Posner's aplogia for the Warren Report, Case Closed (1993), and Harold Weisberg's response, Case Open (1994).

Oh, and Mrs. Paine's Garage (Thomas Mallon, 2002).

"Difficult....not impossible"