Godfather: The best movie ever made. Why? For me, I can watch it again and again without ever getting tired of it.

JFK: Although I know it's factuality has been disputed, I enjoy this more as a film and its character portraryal than its historical accuracy. So many key actors: Tommy Lee Jones as Clay Shaw, the accused conspirator in JFK's death; Kevin Bacon as a convicted pimp Willie O'Keafe; John Candy as a very accurate Dean Andrews, who turned out to be Oswald's attorney; and Gary Oldman as Lee Harvey Oswald.

Godfather Part II

Apollo 13: I have never been a big Tom Hanks fan, but this is Hanks at his best. Excellent supporting cast as well, especially with Ed Harris. An excellent account of the near disaster of the Apollo 13 mission.

Jaws: one of Steven Spielberg's best films, which forever changed our perception of going into the water. I think one of the best features is not seeing the entire shark until at least 75 minutes into the film. Excellent support actors in Richard Dreyfuss and Robert Shaw as Quint.



Heat: One of the most underrated movies IMO. Excellent, complex storyline paralleling the protagonist (Pacino) against the primary antagonist (DeNiro). Some excellent subplots as well.

Thirteen Days: My most underrated movie. An excellent account of the Cuban Missile Crisis. It stars Kevin Costner as JFK's presidential assistant, Ken O'Donnell. Bruce Greenwood does an amazing job portraying JFK. It details all of the ups, downs, and tensions surrounding the very real possibility of the US & Soviet Union engaging in nuclear war in October 1962.

All the President's Men: Film adaptation of the Woodward & Bernstein book regarding Watergate. It focuses on the investigation of the two reporters, played well by Redford and Hoffman. For me, Jason Robards steals the show with his portrayal of "Washington Post" editor Ben Bradlee. Obviously, when the film was made and until recently, we had no idea who the mysterious "Deep Throat" played by Hal Holbrook was. Even with the mystery now solved, the parking garage late night meetings between Woodward & Deep Throat are poignant moments within the film.