1. The Godfather Part II - A masterpiece. Arguably the greatest movie of all time.

2. The Usual Suspects - A modern day classic. They don't make films like this anymore.

3. The Godfather - I heard it was a good movie, thought I'd include it on the list even though I haven't seen it.

4. Goodfellas - The prototypical Gangster film. If you haven't seen it, where have you been the last 16 years?

5. Pulp Fiction - Another modern day classic. Quentin Tarantino's best work.

6. In The Name Of The Father - Highly underrated. Daniel Day Lewis should have won best actor for this and the film itself should have won a couple of Oscars at the very least.

7. Casino - It's Goodfellas 1.5.

8. Traffic - I have yet to see the t.v. movie Traffik that it was based on but this was a breakout movie for Benicio Del Toro and Don Cheadle and deserves a place on the list.

9. Donnie Brasco - May not be on the top 10 lists of too many people but I absolutely loved it. A solid Gangster picture with solid performances by Depp, Madsen, Pacino and the rest.

10. Syriana - For its importance. Everyone should see this movie. Definitely worthy of Oscar buzz, but likely won't win any of the big awards because its too controversial and its not directed by Steven Spielberg. Anyway, since Day-Lewis did not win the best actor Oscar for Gangs Of New York I lost all faith in the "Academy Awards."

Honourable Mentions: American History X, Blow, Bugsy, J.F.K., Malcolm X, Midnight Run, Reservoir Dogs, Snatch.