Originally posted by MistaMista Tom Hagen:
[quote]Originally posted by Omar Suarez:
7. The Ice Harvest (Harold Ramis)
Did you like that one? I was tempted to see it but ultimately passed after it got some mediocre reviews. [/b][/quote]Yes I did, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it.
I went in expecting a cross between "Bad Santa" and "Fargo", but instead, the film was as dark as "Fargo", but not the hilarious "Bad Santa" followup that the trailer's made it out to be. It was a character-study of lost souls stuck in a dead-end existence, masquerading as a neo-noir.

I read many (bad) reviews for this film, but I honestly think I'm the only one who saw that aspect of the film. My candidate for the most mis-understood film of the year.

How am I not myself?