Originally posted by DonFerro55:
John also said in an interview that he "didn't want to die at 40." Yet, he did.

Paul caught a lot of shit for his reaction. I have the news video downloaded on my comp. Try Limewire to download it. He really does show no compassion. I can't tell if it's shock or not caring. He just says,

"Boy, what a drag. Oh well, Cherri-o!"

He seemed uncaring but who knows. My guess is he had just had some big argument with John right before he died. But towards the end of his life, when he was taking care of Sean, John and Paul didn't talk too much. The rest of the Beatles only released written statements.

The Doc
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1wSMibyuzU&search=mccartney%20on%20lennon%20deat h

I think its more agitation at reporters than anything else. When you watch the video, they are asking stupid questions - I mean, what do they expect him to feel? Sure, they had their disputes, but listen to Here Today, and you realize the love and admiration between these two giants.

Originally posted by Irishman12:
Is it mostly pictures? Also, how does it differ from the DVD?
The anthology book is more detailed than the documentary, as the DVD's use core material from the print version. However, I highly recommend the book, since it is the most in-depth and personal biography of each man and the Beatles as a group, in their own words.

Another bio that has just been released is The Beatles: The Biography but allegedly has many factual errors. I haven't read it. I consider the Anthology book to be the definitive bio, I don't know how more "in depth" you can go since it is The Beatles own words.

Originally posted by Irishman12:
What I'd love to do is buy all 13 Beatles albums in 1 lot on eBay but there's 700+ CD auctions I'd have to fish through just to see if someone's selling it
I've got an MP3 discography that features every song recorded by The Beatles (excluding Live at the BBC and the Anthology sets). Let me know.

However, I'm sure you can still obtain nearly all of those albums, especially from Amazon or other online sellers. Especially the new U.S. releases from Capitol.

Originally posted by Irishman12:
I haven't been able to find:

1. Introducing... The Beatles
2. The Beatles' Second Album
3. Something New
4. The Beatles' Story
5. Beatles '65
6. The Early Beatles
7. Beatles VI
8. "Yesterday" ... and Today
9. Hey Jude
Again, if you do a bit of research into each album (a good site is iamthebeatles.com, as well as the Wikipedia article Vercetti posted), most of those were compilations of UK releases repackaged for the US or material that has been released elsewhere on "standard" albums (though the MP3 set I mentioned has many of them). For example, "Yesterday and Today" is the notorious "butcher" album that was pulled because of the cover art.

The problem I've encountered is that I've got all the studio albums (excluding the new Capitol releases, which I still think are audio rehashes of stereo/mono songs already available) as well as the BBC, Red and Blue, and the three Anthology sets. There comes a point when you just keep buying the same material over and over.

I feel fairly confident that I have a copy of nearly every Beatles song that was released, with maybe a few exceptions for live or bootleg tapes from the Cavern or something along those lines.

But basically, Irish, buy the studio albums, the BBC, and the Anthology sets (as well as the book), and you should be a Beatlephile.