the original UK post-help! albums are all some of the greatest music ever recorded - as well as the most innovative, & it's amazing how well it still holds up today. sgt. pepper's... being the best - but rubber soul being my favorite.

you have to remember how the record companies worked back then though - reissuing the same albums multiple times with a slightly altered track listing to appeal more to the "american market." still, the music's great - it's just frustrating if you don't know the discography inside & out - & trust me, it takes a while to get used to it. take it from someone who spent the better half of his earlier teen years collecting every US & UK release the beatles ever made. including the capitol records boxset & the original pre-rubber soul LPs & it really accumulates to alot. all very much worth it though.

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw