When I was in High School, I spent a couple of summers working as a counselor in a kids day camp.

The culmination of the summer was “color war”, in which the whole camp was divided into two teams which competed against each other for the final week of the season.

The highlight of color war was the “Sing”. The counselors wrote the lyrics to various songs: a PepSong, a Cheer, a Marching Song, an Alma Mater, and a “Razz” Song, setting our words to existing melodies and then teaching the songs to the campers.

My personal specialty was writing the words for the Razz, in which we wrote lyrics “razzing”, or poking fun in a good natured way, at the counselors of the other team.

I thought at give it a year-end try here by composing some quick little quatrains about some of our members.

Don’t be offended if I left you out, or maybe you should be offended if I left you in. There were some people for whom I just couldn’t think of anything appropriate, and I’m sure there were a few that I just plain forgot.


Our leader is J-G
We love him the most
It’s a good thing there’s sports threads
Or he’d never post

As JG’s main advisor
SC’s smart as a fox
Got him annoyed?
You’ll go play in his sandbox

Don Cardi’s a nice guy
So this idea’s free:
Please write this down:
It’s spelled “DEFINITELY”

Turnbull has knowledge
No post written in haste
But there is no rush
It’s all copy and paste

Is Patrick a Commie?
I’m not really sure
But he’ll start to make sense
When he starts to mature

Letizia’s a young one
And she’s sure quite a pearl
Every BB should have one:
Their own “Valley Girl”

And then there’s Vercetti
We remember posts past
How he owns a pizzeria
And the veins in his ass

Some like to go hunting
And some like to fish
DMC has a hobby
And her name is Trish

Speaking of hobbies
I will note with a frown
The hobby of Apple:
Putting new members down

I call her “Lefty”
Not because of her coast
It’s Saladbar's politics
She’s left wing the most

fathersson’s here quite rarely
When he is, there are thrills
When things start to get tough, though
He heads for the hills

The Babe who’s Sicilian
When she disagrees
Has a nice one word comment
She’ll just say “Puh-leeze”

Just Lou is a nice guy
I’m sure he’ll go far
But he isn’t quite normal
He’s in love with a car

Double J has opinions
And he loves to fight
How can someone be so “wrong”
When so far to the “right”?

Don Smitty has passion
His views are no fluke
Some will drop you a Christmas card
He’ll drop you a nuke

TIS is quite careful
Won’t post ‘til she thinks
Is that process helped
By consuming blue drinks?

Mignon is a redneck
Who started a flap
It’s the Bible her faith’s in
Not that “evolution crap”

He won’t post his picture
So we can’t see his puss
For that reason alone
Big Daddy’s a wuss

Don Sicilia’s a sweetheart
At math he’s a whiz
But with 4000 posts
No one knows who he is

Cristina’s a new gal
Her knowledge’s extensive
If we paid by the word here
She would sure be expensive

How is it possible?
Or is he bluffing
Every post by De Niro
Just one line that says nothing

He’s now off at college
Having fun I would think
Ragging Bull, I’ll remind you:
You’re too young to drink

Jimmy Buffer’s a teacher
But a kid who has prudence
Will opt for home schooling
If they’re one of his students

MaryCas is an actor
Who caused quite a sensation
When he changed all his lines
Into alliteration

Afsaneh’s a tough read
I have very few clues
How she lives in Iran
With her pro-Western views

And let’s not forget this guy
His findings are juicy
Which fits for a doctor
Fixing gals such as Lucy

You want “holiday” spirit?
Then Gina’s your member
She had her tree up
While it still was September

Our English mate Turi
Must now take his bows
When it comes to opimions
He has no sacred cows

Don Tommasso’s a lawyer
Not easily led
He’d do well to remember
What Shakespeare once said

Irish loves games threads
But let me explain
Is there one game that’s in there
That takes half a brain?

And, lastly…..

PL has a sled
That will help him to cope
When we all start to slide
Down the slippery slope

"Difficult....not impossible"