Wow, it's 2:23 PM over here, and I just woke up. I had a ton of dreams.

The first dream I had was, I was living on the Golden Gate Bridge with Courtney Love. She fucking drove me nuts, and I was looking for some way to escape but I couldn't. The worst part was, there was no food or water. When I asked Courtney if I could leave to find something to eat, she said, "No!! You're going to stay here and DIE with me!"

A few minutes later though, Kurt Cobain arrived with a picnic basket full of good food, a picnic blanket, and a cooler full of beer. I went up to him, hugged and kissed him, and said, "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU MARRY THIS CRAZY BITCH!?"

He didn't say a word, he just pulled out his gun and shot Courtney in the face. Me and Kurt ate some food, talked about the past, and just chilled there on the Golden Gate bridge. It was fantastic.

Next dream I had was, I was the vocalist for a rock band, and me and my band were searching for gigs. We finally got one at a teenage party. So we're up on stage, and we remember, we didn't rehearse or anything. So I'm talking with my lead guitarist about which song we should do, and he kept telling me to start off with this song that he wrote called, "Showing the Show" or something like that. I fucking screamed my head off at him and said, "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW THE LYRICS TO THAT SONG JIM!! WTF ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME?!?!"

Then he was like, "Well, we could just cover a Radiohead song, but I don't know how to play any except Nice Dream."

So I got really excited, turned to my drummer and saiD, "Do yu know how to play nice dream?" He said yes. I turned to my bass guitarist who was a really hot blonde girl and said, "Do you know how to play Nice Dream?" She also said yes.


I approach the microphone, and I see like 874678562798654 people in the crowd. But for some reason I don't get nervous. The band starts playing, and I start doing my best Thom Yorke impression. And my voice came out exactly like his. We fucking killed it. It was the greatest feeling ever. After the song finished the crowd was going crazy and I just looked at my band and said, "Wow, you guys are fucking awesome."

Third dream: I enter a cave somewhere in Afghanistan to see a 16 year old Kurt Cobain hiding out there. A UPS guy come to the cave and says to Kurt, "Well Don, here's your Vercetti."

Kurt says, " name is kurt, and don't you mean my machete??"

"Yeah, whatever kid, and's your pistol."

All of a sudden it turns into a Mastercard commercial.

"Knife - $18.99
Gun - $100.00"

Then the delivery guy says, "Hey wait a second, you're just a kid. You don't need this shit." Then he leaves.

The mastercard commercial continues and goes:

"Preventing a rock and roll legend from killing himself - Priceless."

Then I woke up.

I dig farmers don't shoot me please!