I meant to post that I had another BB dream this past night - this time, Geoff, you were the lucky one involved!

Hmm, I know this was probably only a part of all the dreams I had, but I remember only this, because it was right before I woke up. I was in my Spanish classroom at school, and I can't recall what was going on originally, but I ended up talking to Geoff about these Christmas ornaments - I think that's what they were - that we were looking at. He was telling me all about how they were his mom's. Either she had made them, or they were passed down through his family...there was some story behind these ornaments that he was describing to me. Later, Geoff was elsewhere, and I was left with the ornaments. There were a lot of tiny pieces of paper with typed information on them that he had, basically saying what he'd been telling me. I'd been reading through them, and I was trying to get them back in order. This, I now realize, is when my alarm clock went off this morning. I guess that as I heard it, I let it become a part of my dream where I was overwhelmed with a sense of urgency and the feeling that I needed to get Geoff's papers organized before it was "too late." I finally woke up and became aware of "reality," and I don't think I ever got the papers completely together in my dream. Sorry about that, Geoff.