SB, you must have been at the Yankee stadium that I have in the next room. But yeah, you're invited to my next one too!

XDC, that totally happens to me. Even when my alarm goes off, it goes into my dream first, before I realize that it's my alarm. Like in my dream I'll be thinking, "What IS that noise? Why doesn't someone do something about it?" Or it'll be like a police siren or something in my dream.

Now I use my cell phone's alarm clock for the mornings, and I have ringtones and stuff on it. For a while, it was Miles Davis' "Bitches Brew" and I would have all these crazy dreams about smoky beatnik-esque clubs and stuff, where that music was playing. Weird.

Here's another funny story... In high school, the guy sitting next to me in one of my classes would always fall asleep in class, but I'd wake him up in the last ten minutes so he wouldn't miss the important stuff like last-minute announcements and stuff. One day, I forgot to wake him up, and the bell rang at the end of the period. Without raising his head or anything, he started feeling around on the desk, trying to find his alarm clock to turn it off... I guess he dreamt that he was in his own bed, and the bell translated into his alarm clock!! I was dying laughing, he looked so stupid.