When I first moved into the house I'm in now, I'd always have this dream where I'm waking up and I leave my room and I'd go in the dining room. The dining room is where my dad's desk/our computer is. I'd always see a guy sitting here smoking a cigar. He looked like he was an army general or something. Definetly freaked me out.

I also used to have nightmares about falling into the bay down at my uncle's trailer park in Delaware. You'd have to like, jump from the dock on to the boat and I'd always have dreams where I missed the boat.

And I some times have these dreams where I'm in my own house getting like chased after by this guy. And like, I can see my mom or dad and when I scream for help, I have no voice. WTF.

Now, on to the good dreams... Nocturnal emissions, anyone?

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur